Upcoming Events

Sign welcoming visitors to the StoryWalk Project Trail at the entrance of the forest.


Travel the Blue Trail to read along to this month’s story - Crow not Crow.

The Blue Trail begins behind the Nature Center. This 0.75 mile dirt loop has some steep hills. Stop by the Nature Center after you’ve completed the trail for a free book.

Self-led | Free and open to all

Every day, 9am-5pm

Hands holding a cup of coffee.

Saturday Coffee & Bird Watching

Bring your favorite mug to the Nature Center for free coffee in the Bird Watching Room. Get cozy and enjoy watching birds visit the feeders.

Donations are welcome.

Self-led | Free and open to all

Every Saturday, 9am-5pm

Dirt trail in forest with a Blue Trail marker indicating that visitors can mountain bike or hike the trail.

American Discovery Trail Hiking Club

Tag along with the American Discovery Trail Hiking Club as they hike the forests of Hayes Arboretum. Meet in Nature Center Parking Lot.

Self-led | Free and open to all


Honey bees flying out of a bee hive box.

Eastern Indiana Beekeepers

Join the Eastern Indiana Beekeepers for their monthly meeting on various bee topics. Open to anyone curious about beekeeping.

Meet in the Nature Center.

Free and open to all

Tuesday, April 15th | 6:30pm

Large white trillium flowers on a green hillside

Spring Wildflower Hike

Spring is officially here and so are the earliest of the woodland wildflowers! Join our naturalist for a hike through the Old Growth Forest in search of spring wildflowers.

Meet in the Nature Center. Register here.

Members: $3/person | Non-Members: $5/person | Children 12 and under are free

Saturday, April 12th | 1-2:30pm

People circled around a man holding a mushroom

Spring Mushroom Program

Learn about the amazing world of fungi during our presentation with special guest Dr Don Ruch, Professor Emeritus of Biology from Ball State. Then join our naturalist for a hike in search of spring mushrooms.

Meet in the Turner-Gray Meeting Room. Register here.

Members: $3/person | Non-Members: $5/person | Children 12 and under are free

Saturday, May 3rd | 10am-noon

Join guest experts every Saturday for a nature presentation and hike. Topics include a Prairie Tour, Moth Night, Forest Herbs, and much more!

More details and registration here.

Members: $3/person | Non-Members: $5/person | Children 12 and under are free

Saturday Summer Series

Saturdays in June & July | Time varies

Explorer Camp 2025

Make memories at Hayes Arboretum this summer during our Explorer Camp Program. Children in grades 1st-4th grade are invited to join our naturalist for adventures through our forests and streams in search of animals, plants, and much more! Every participant receives an Explorer Bag filled with items that will encourage them to discover the natural world around them.

Register here. Children: $70/each | Members: 10% off

June 16th-20th | 9am-noon