Be a scientist and collect data with your phone.
Indiana Phenology Trail
Observe 10 unique trees on property throughout the seasons to help scientists and Hayes Arboretum understand relationships between the changing climate and trees. Stop by the Nature Center to talk to our naturalist on how you can help out on this project. In partnership with Indiana Phenology.
Help Hayes Arboretum complete a full list of animals, plants, and fungus on property through the iNaturalist app. Download the free app, take a photo of a living specimen on property, and upload it using Hayes Arboretum as the location. Visit us often? Join the Hayes Arboretum Collection Project on iNatuarlist.
Bird ID & Tracking
Have an eye or ear for birding? Learn how to identify birds through sound, photos, or description on the Merlin App and input your findings on eBird. Whether its along the trail or in the Bird Watching Room, Hayes Arboretum would like your help in completing a comprehensive list of birds found on property.